Furniture and household items
The Besom in Taunton provides many types of help. One of the major requirements is for furniture and household items for those who lack what is needed to make a home. Donations of these items are always wanted and very welcome; please see Giving for details of the type of items required. The furniture is brought to the warehouse for cleaning and storage until needed.
Cleaning and repairs
All the furniture is carefully cleaned and small repairs or a coat of paint/varnish may be applied before delivery. Electrical items are PAT tested before being given out. Besom always wants to supply furniture and other items in the best condition possible.
Collection and delivery
Furniture is collected and delivered by the van teams. Regular trips are made to provide those in need with furniture from donations that have come into our warehouse. Along with delivery of furniture it may be necessary to deliver a starter pack and/or a crisis food box.