Visit of the Rev. Suzy Kirkham to the warehouse
It was great to welcome Rev. Suzy to the warehouse on Thursday 14 November. Rev. Suzy was interested to see all aspects of our work, and was happy to join in, helping to clean and sort. Rev Suzy is vicar of The Vale Churches benefice covering the parishes of Bradford-on-Tone, Heathfield with Cotford St Luke, Hillfarrance, Nynehead and Oake. Two of our time-givers attend Cotford St Luke church in Cotford St Luke Centre. Thank you Rev. Suzy for your support.
Visit of YWAM Mazatlan, Mexico
A group of 11 young people from Mexico was hosted by churches in the town during October. They were involved in different aspects of ministry across the town, including taking part in a decorating and gardening project with Besom. They experienced the work of Besom first hand and had good fun too.
The team accomplished a huge amount for a recipient and their help was much appreciated.
Visit of Mr Peter de Groot
This week we welcomed Mr Peter de Groot to the warehouse for a morning. He has been visiting this country from the Netherlands, and volunteers for Present Nederland. The Present Network was founded by someone inspired by Besom in the UK! There are 70 Presents across Holland and Peter is the local co-ordinator in Utrecht. On a very busy morning, Peter joined in enthusiastically, generally helping, asking questions and generally getting a flavour of what we do. We trust his visit was really useful and that he and his family will be blessed as they look to God’s leading for the future.
Very successful fundraiser
On 8 June some of our time-givers who attend St George’s Church, Wilton, held a fundraising event. We displayed art and crafts by St George’s members, and some of the items were for sale.
It was a very successful event raising more than £300 for the work of Besom. Many thanks to all who donated, helped, manned the kitchen, served coffees and cake, and contributed crafts.
Roger Habgood with the High Sheriff
Time-givers and core team members
Open morning
On 8 February we welcomed the vicar, Rev Dr Nick Griffin, and members of St George’s Church, Wilton, to our warehouse to see what we do.
We also welcomed the High Sheriff of Somerset, Mr Robert Drewett, who was most interested the in the work of Besom and chatted to various time-givers and core team members. He also outlined the history of the position of High Sheriff and what he does now. Mr Drewett was hosted by Roger Habgood, chairman of the trustees of The Besom in Taunton and chairman of The Besom Network trustees.
It was a joy to welcome volunteers from churches across Taunton to help with packing the hampers. The hampers were delivered to families and individuals to help make their Christmas brighter. Everyone enjoyed some fantastic food afterwards!
Christmas Hampers
Annual General Meeting, 7 November 2023
We held our AGM on Tuesday 7 November. Thank you to all who attended and contributed. It was a very positive meeting and we look forward to the coming year, continuing with our core vision to be a bridge between Christians wanting to serve and those in need. We thank God that we have been able to help many families and individuals throughout the past year. Thank you too to all who contribute financially to the work of The Besom in Taunton.
Thank you, Ruth, for taking the group photograph.
Thank you Madeleine
Our Core Team met to host a lunch and say a huge thank you to Madeleine and Colin who are stepping down, having faithfully served the local community through Besom for nearly 20 years.
Madeleine shared some great stories of shifting furniture and doing projects in the early days with Nesta, who started The Besom in Taunton.
In recent years they did a great job of looking after the Crisis Food Box provision and have always had such hearts and compassion for local families and individuals in need.
We wish them well in their retirement and know they will always keep Besom in their prayers.